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Stem Cell Therapy in Newport Beach, CA Area: Regenerate Knee Cartilage with Bone Marrow Concentrate and PRPStem Cell Therapy in Santa Monica, CA: Regenerate Knee Cartilage with Bone Marrow Concentrate and PRP

OrthoRegen®offers Stem Cell Therapy in Santa Monica, CA  to help patients with knee pain. Even those with cartilage loss can benefit from this non-surgical procedure. The regeneration of articular cartilage utilizing mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) is a topic of significant scientific and therapeutic interest. Current treatment for cartilage damage in the arthritic knee generally focuses on surgical interventions such as arthroscopic repair. Unfortunately, these procedures have proven to be less effective than hoped.

A 2022 study from Melbourne, Australia, reports, “High-certainty evidence indicates arthroscopic surgery leads to little or no difference in pain or function at three months after surgery, moderate-certainty evidence indicates it is probably little or no improvement in knee-specific quality of life three months after surgery, and low-certainty evidence indicates arthroscopic surgery may lead to little or no difference in participant-reported success at up to five years, compared with placebo surgery.” (1)

Surgery is also invasive and often requires a prolonged recovery time. At OrthoRegen®, we offer a non-surgical alternative to knee surgery. We see a lot of patients who prefer the non-surgical route to avoid a long surgical recovery and the risks that come with surgery. They desire to get back to an active life and do what they love, just like you!

Regenerative Orthopedics for Knee Arthritis Repair

At OrthoRegen®, we utilize regenerative treatments to repair injured and degenerated knees. These treatments include Stem Cells, PRP, and Prolotherapy. Certain knee conditions will respond well to simple dextrose Prolotherapy. Other conditions respond great with PRP. And then other conditions, usually those with more degeneration, will require stem cell treatment. All of the treatments are done in conjunction with dextrose Prolotherapy to treat the entire knee joint comprehensively.

Why Stem Cells and PRP?

Knee Arthritis. Annals Trans Med.2024

Arthritis is one of the most common pathological conditions that causes prolonged pain and disability, and its occurrence is likely to only increase. Since many are looking for a non-surgical repair option, treatments that regenerate the joint cartilage utilizing mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are a topic of significant scientific and therapeutic interest. These cells have the remarkable capacity to heal,  regenerate tissue and restore knee function. MSC therapy has proven to be efficient and safe for treating a variety of diseases, including arthritis. “MSC therapy is a feasible option with very promising outcomes for treating a number of inflammatory diseases including OA and RA.” (2)

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are pluripotent cells found in human adult tissue such as bone marrow and adipose tissue. MSCs have been found to regenerate cartilage successfully. That’s a great finding when it comes to the arthritic knee. When the degeneration is more severe, stem cells may be needed.

And for adult stem cells to work best, they require growth factors. Since growth factors are found in platelets, a blood isolate called Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is used along with the stem cells. PRP is a concentration of a patient’s own platelets taken from a blood draw which is concentrated in a specialized centrifuge. (3) PRP injections use each patient’s own healing system to improve musculoskeletal problems.

Stem Cell Therapy in Newport Beach, CA

OrthoRegen® is a regenerative medicine clinic in the Newport Beach, CA area offering stem cell therapy utilizing mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow and adipose. We offer the Gold Standard in Stem Cell Therapy and use PRP to augment the stem cells and Prolotherapy to comprehensively treat the entire knee. The Gold Standard offers the best opportunity for healing of the knee. These non-surgical regenerative treatments stimulate natural healing repair in the knee and rebuild the injured tissue. (4)

Injuries may respond with Prolotherapy alone or may also require PRP if the injury requires more repair due to advanced damage. Our clinicians will recommend the best regenerative therapy for your particular case to strengthen, stabilize and repair your knee.

Regenerative Orthopedics, such as Platelet Rich Plasma, Stem Cells, and Prolotherapy, stimulate tendon, ligament, and cartilage repair. These treatments are non-surgical, in-office procedures that are much less invasive than surgery and, therefore, require minimal downtown. These treatments are a much safer and more conservative with many advantages over arthroscopic surgery.


  1. O’Connor D, Johnston RV, Brignardello-Petersen R, Poolman RW, Cyril S, Vandvik PO, Buchbinder R. Arthroscopic surgery for degenerative knee disease (osteoarthritis including degenerative meniscal tears). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2022(3).
  2. Esquivel, Diana, Rangnath Mishra, and Anand Srivastava. “Potential use of stem cell therapies for treating osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.” Annals of Translational Medicine(2024).
  3. Centeno, Christopher J., et al. “Regeneration of meniscus cartilage in a knee treated with percutaneously implanted autologous mesenchymal stem cells.” Medical hypotheses 71.6 (2008): 900-908.
  4. Hauser RA, Orlofsky A. Regenerative injection therapy with whole bone marrow aspirate for degenerative joint disease: a case series. Clinical Medicine Insights: Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2013 Jan;6:CMAMD-S10951
