Dr. Fields interviewed on KCAL/CBS about Prolotherapy
Peter A. Fields, MD, DC is an expert lecturer on Regenerative Orthopedic therapies like Prolotherapy. And in this video, Dr. Fields explains one of the regenerative methods in this Interview on KCAL/CBS About ‘Prolotherapy.’ One of his patients also describes her experience with Prolotherapy in this video, after coming to see Dr. Fields for the knee pain she was experiencing.
If you’ve wondered what Prolotherapy is, watching this video is a great way to familiarize yourself with the treatment. And it’s quick and interesting too! We hope you enjoy it.
Prolotherapy is a non-surgical treatment for joint and spine pain. The treatments are a natural method of assisting the body to heal injured or weakened joints, ligaments, and tendons. They actually boost the body’s own healing abilities.
With Prolotherapy (also called Dextrose Prolotherapy), the weakened areas are injected with a solution that stimulates the growth of healthy, strong tissues. And as the tendons and ligaments grow stronger and vibrant, the pain is alleviated, and motion is restored.
Is a joint, ligament, or tendon is causing you pain or limited movement? Then Prolotherapy might be the right choice for you! Prolotherapy can help with arthritis, knee injuries, tendonitis (tennis elbow), hip dysfunction, bulging discs, lumbar or cervical spine instability, bursitis, ACL Tears, rotator cuff injuries and more.
For more information about Prolotherapy and other Regenerative Orthopedic techniques, please visit our website at drfields.com, where you will find many, many articles that describe the various conditions effectively treated with Regenerative Orthopedics.
If you have any questions, please contact us by calling 310-453-1234.