Most of us are doing everything we can to stay out of the hospital during this pandemic age. Who would blame us?! So, we do everything we can think of to keep going and keep moving, even if we are hurting. And those who have an injured joint, who still want to exercise, may choose bicycling instead of running, or swimming instead of hiking. That way, they can still keep exercising since there is less stress on the joint and less pain with the different activities.
And we may also try over-the-counter medications, rest, physical therapy, acupuncture, manipulation, and whatever else we can possibly find in an effort to get relief. But for some, that pain either never goes away, or it just keeps coming back.
There is another way! Regenerative Orthopedics, like Stem Cell Therapy, PRP, and Prolotherapy, is one of the best ways to get relief from your pain without hospitalization or the need for surgery.
Stay Out of The Hospital and Avoid Surgery with Regenerative Orthopedics
At OrthoRegen, we see you and treat you in our medical clinic. There is no need to go to a hospital!
Plus, Peter A. Fields, MD, DC is dual degreed as both a medical doctor and a chiropractor. And his practice is exclusively Regenerative Orthopedics. That means you get a very experienced practitioner and a leader in regenerative medicine.
As a medical doctor with years of experience in regenerative medicine, Peter A. Fields, MD, DC will seek out the best natural medicine solution and perform the optimal type of regenerative therapy for you. And that means you get the treatment that’s right for you and the best treatment possible to repair your joint quickly. And all of these regenerative therapies are available right in our clinic. As a chiropractor, Dr. Fields understands how the joints work. So, you don’t have to step into the hospital for what is often unnecessary testing. Sure, if further testing is deemed necessary, they can be prescribed. But a chiropractor’s familiarity with the joints and referral pain makes imaging less necessary.
In most cases, Regenerative Orthopedics is effective at eliminating joint pain due to ligament and tendon injury 80 to 90 percent of the time. That’s a high rate of success! Plus, all of these regenerative techniques help to stimulate the body’s ability to repair…naturally.
Regenerative Orthopedics is an in-office injection treatment that both research and medical studies have shown to be an effective, trustworthy, reliable alternative to surgical treatments. We see so many patients in our clinic who are looking to avoid surgery. We are accustomed to that! And we see amazing results. In our opinion, Regenerative Orthopedics is superior to many other treatments in relieving chronic joint and spine pain. Plus, and most importantly, you get back to a happy and active lifestyle without the need for surgery.
Regenerative Orthopedics is:
First of all, why is this a good thing? More and more research is pouring in on the detrimental effects of steroids or cortisone injections. Sure, cortisone shots may relieve your pain in the short-term. But they make the problem worse over the long haul.
Cortisone injections cause:
So we can see that intra-articular injections of corticosteroids are toxic to the joint even though they are widely used in clinical practice. The truth is – When injected into joints, corticosteroids trigger cartilage cell death! Plus, they also suppress healing by their innate mechanism of action, which suppresses the immune system and blocks inflammation.
We don’t use addictive pain medications or other medications that just mask or chase the pain. In Regenerative Orthopedics, all of the therapies are natural treatment techniques. For example, the primary ingredient in the Prolotherapy injections is dextrose. This technique involves using the simple and safe base solution dextrose, which is given into and around the entire painful/injured area(s). Why treat the whole area? All of the affected areas are treated comprehensively, so you have the best results.
If Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is recommended, we use your own blood. PRP is used for acute or chronic musculoskeletal injuries. It is a great option to repair particular soft tissue injuries to help you avoid the pain, complications, and recovery time associated with various types of joint surgery. Your blood platelets contain potent growth factors that are exceptional at tissue repair. Again, Platelet Rich Plasma naturally accelerates the normal healing process. Plus, it results in tissue repair and the regeneration of weakened torn or damaged ligaments, tendons, and joints.
When Stem Cell Therapy is recommended, we use the Gold Standard in Stem Cell Therapy. This is also a natural technique where we use all four kinds of Regenerative Orthopedics, including your own stem cells, to help you avoid invasive surgery. Many other clinics only use one or two of these procedures, but not all four.
Are you afraid of receiving general anesthesia? With Regenerative Orthopedics, it’s not necessary! You not only stay out of the hospital and avoid surgery with Regenerative Orthopedics. But you avoid general anesthesia too! Surgery definitely has its risks. And general anesthesia adds to those risks. Especially for older people.
A recent medical journal says, “Postoperative mortality and complications after geriatric hip fracture surgery remain high despite efforts to improve perioperative care for these patients.” And concludes, “We found the use of general anesthesia and conversion from regional to general anesthesia were associated with a higher risk of mortality during the in-hospital stay compared with regional anesthetic techniques… We also found general anesthesia to be associated with a higher risk of all-cause readmission compared with regional.”3
It is such a better idea to avoid general anesthesia completely. And you can do that with Regenerative Orthopedics.
At OrthoRegen, we use a comprehensive approach and a variety of regenerative techniques. And each treatment is individualized according to your unique needs as a patient. The appropriate technique is recommended depending on you and what is required to produce the best healing results and repair.
Are you experiencing pain and trying to stay out of the hospital? Would you like to avoid surgery too? Regenerative Orthopedics can be your non-surgical alternative. Contact us! We would be more than happy to give you a recommendation geared to getting you pain-free and back to the activities you love.
To Learn More, Contact Us Today!
Regenerative Orthopedics is effective for sports injuries; back, neck, shoulder, knee, and other joint pain; tendonitis, arthritis, herniated disc, and headaches. Plus, if the injury involves a tendon or ligament, chances are Regenerative Orthopedics will help.
1Wyles, Cody C., et al. “Differential cytotoxicity of corticosteroids on human mesenchymal stem cells.” Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research® 473.3 (2015): 1155-1164.
2Seshadri, Venkat, Christian H. Coyle, and Constance R. Chu. “Lidocaine potentiates the chondrotoxicity of methylprednisolone.” Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery 25.4 (2009): 337-347.
3Desai, Vimal, et al. “Is anesthesia technique associated with a higher risk of mortality or complications within 90 days of surgery for geriatric patients with hip fractures?.” Clinical orthopaedics and related research 476.6 (2018): 1178.